Tips For Keeping in Communication with Your Child’s Birthmother

BirthmotherBirth mothers who have opted open adoptions may not be able to care for their child the way they feel is optimum, but still want to watch them grow and have some involvement in their lives, and this wish should be respected by adoptive parents as it is in the child’s best interests. Maintaining positive, consistent communication in a way that respects the rights of both adoptive parents and birth parents may be tricky sometimes, but not impossible. A birthmothers adoption program of communication can help.


Here are three ideas adoptive parents can use when communicating with the birthmothers of their children.


Face to Face


Meeting in person is ideal as it allows more personal communication; however, it can also pose some challenges. Finding a time that fits everyone’s schedules can be difficult. This may limit visitations and introduce frustration when schedules do not line up well.

You should try to project positivity and openness when speaking with the birth parents and note if their body language shows discomfort.


Phone Calls, Texts, and Emails


A birthmothers adoption program may include phone calls, texts, and emails as they allow for greater flexibility. Although these options increase access, it is important to still respect boundaries that may have been agreed upon. Excessively frequent or untimely messages can place stress on relationships.


Social Media


Social media provides another avenue to communicate with birth parents. By following your account, they will be able to see the pictures and stories that you, as parents, are excited to share. This can help the birth parents to feel included and is a very convenient way to improve consistent, stress-free contact.